Case di vita. Synagogues and Cemeteries in Italy – curated by Andrea Morpurgo and Amedeo Spagnoletto - is an exhibition where the history of cities and people meet, seen through architectural design and projects, household objects, benefiting from precious loans and documents from the State Archives and Jewish Communities. The exhibition will be held from April 20 to September 17, 2023, at the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah-MEIS in Ferrara.
The exhibition has been awarded the President of the Republic’s Medal, a prestigious recognition and is also supported by the Ministry of Culture, one of the founding partners of MEIS. Participating bodies and authorities include the Region Emilia-Romagna, the City of Ferrara and the Union of Italian Jewish Communities. The exhibition is also sponsored by the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank.
Patrons include the Foundation for Jewish Heritage in Italy and the Jewish Community of Ferrara with the support of the Guglielmo De Lévy Foundation, TPER, Hera, CoopAlleanza 3.0, AVIS and the Bottari Lattes Foundation. The exhibition is a new in-depth approach to architecture, rites and social features of Jewish synagogues and cemeteries as well as discussing the relationship between holy places, their evolution and changes taking place in the two thousand years of history of Italian Judaism.
“Once again, we are back with a theme which is very dear to our museum: the notion of house and home –explains Amedeo Spagnoletto, Director and curator – Synagogues are not only for prayers, in fact they are community houses. The title of the exhibition also enshrines the name of cemeteries in the Jewish world, Battè Chaim, which is to say, Houses of Life. Although they are not the same and differ, these two spaces, synagogues, and cemeteries, have harboured the lives, the stories, histories, and identities from thousands of years. Unlike private dwellings, they were spaces where self-representation shifted from a single person’s to the community’s and hence, according to the Jewish tradition, live for ever”.
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