Celebrating the 20th anniversary this year, ‘Tokyo Game Show 2016,’ the show that represents Japan, is co-hosted by Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association (CESA) and Nikkei BP, and specially cooperated with DWANGO. The event is organized into a business-day on September 15 and 16, when only game business people and mass communication officials can enter, and a public-day on September 17 and 18, when all the visitors can enter.
Before the opening of ‘Tokyo Game Show 2016,’ Bandai Namco Entertainment (BNEI) progressed a presentation event ‘2016 Pre-TGS Press Tour,’ which introduces the new titles from its office located in Tokyo. In this event, it presented the major titles facing releases from BNEI and explained their features.
Through this presentation, ‘Dark Soul 3 Ashes of Ariandel’ session was progressed, and producer Hidedaka Miyazaki from FromSoftware introduced features of the game.
‘Dark Soul 3: Ashes of Ariandel’ is the first content of 2 DLCs provided through ‘Dark Soul 3’ Season Pass, and it is composed of new weapons, armors, enemies, bosses, and the PvP content ‘Arena.’ The game story covers independent story from the original version, but it forms one large story by combining with the second DLC content, which will be released after the first content.
Especially, as its background is ‘the frozen land,’ the play styles, including sliding on the snowfield or gimmick hiding in the snow, might be developed in different forms. Miyazaki said, “These new elements are prepared to feel more mysterious atmosphere than the original work, and they will provide different experiences.”
The difficulty of the game is fitted to the last part of the original game, so the users who already cleared the original game will also find it difficult. However, the game is designed to help users overpass the difficulty and continue the game play. Moreover, new elements like attacking in the vast field are applied in the game, so the concerns of how to cope with difficulties are also presented to users.
Unlike the original way that ‘Invasion’ is divided into offense and defense, the new PvP content ‘Arena’ is prepared to compete ability in the equal circumstances. Thus, users can enjoy 1:1 personal arena or maximum 3:3 team arena, and to prevent the situation of the host being inverted, no penalty or merit will be given.
Meanwhile, to the question asking the meaning of ‘Ashes of Ariandel,’ Miyazaki answered, “It is hard to explain deeply, but please analogize by focusing that ‘Ariandel’ is the name of a place and ‘Ashes’ is the plural of ‘Ash.’” Also, he talked about the most impressive monster by saying, “The insect-type monster which looks similar to a fly makes me feel bad, so it is deeply impressed in my mind.”
‘Dark Soul 3: Ashes of Ariandel’ for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC will be released on October 25.
▲ Producer Miyazaki Hidedaka introduced features of ‘Dark Soul 3: Ashes of Ariandel.’
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